Diabetes has become a pervasive and endemic health problem worldwide. It is a chronic disease and also life-threatening. It can cause health problems in many organs such as the heart, kidneys, eyes, nerves, and blood vessels. To reduce the fatality rate from diabetes, early prevention techniques are needed. Nowadays, machine learning techniques are used to predict or detect different life-threatening diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart diseases, thyroid, etc. In this study, a prediction model of diabetes mellitus was presented using the Pima Indian dataset. Three different machine learning techniques that Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF) and, Gradient Boosting (GB) algorithm were used to predict diabetes mellitus and the performance analysis was performed. Confusion matrix, accuracy, F1 score, precision, recall, Cohen's kappa were evaluated and also a ROC curve was plotted. Out of the three techniques, the best results have been achieved with GB.