“…Three clades are considered particularly well supported: Unicalcarida (all Hymenoptera except Xyelidae, Tenthredinoidea and Pamphilioidea), Vespina (Orussidae + Apocrita) and Apocrita (Rasnitsyn and Zhang, 2010;Ronquist et al, 1999;Schulmeister, 2003a,b;Vilhelmsen, 2006;Vilhelmsen et al, 2010). Evidence for this scenario is largely derived from morphological analyses (Rasnitsyn and Zhang, 2010;Schulmeister, 2003a,b;Vilhelmsen, 1997Vilhelmsen, , 2001Vilhelmsen, , 2006Vilhelmsen et al, 2010), with some of the crucial pieces dating back to classical works by Rasnitsyn (1969Rasnitsyn ( , 1980Rasnitsyn ( , 1988 and Gibson (1985). Only a few molecular or combined studies address these basal relationships (Schulmeister, 2003b;Schulmeister et al, 2002).…”