ORNL), researching novel electrode architectures, mass transport phenomena, solid-liquid surface chemistry, advanced processing methods, manufacturing science, and materials characterization for low-temperature fuel cells, PEM electrolyzers, and lithium-ion batteries, and has been employed there since 2009. He is also the former ORNL Fuel Cell Technologies Program Manager (2011-2018), the former Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing Team and Group Leader (2015-2017), and a well-known energy conversion and storage researcher with an industrial and academic career that began in 1995. From 1997 to 2002, he was employed by General Motors Corporation and SGL Carbon Group, excelling at applied R&D related to automotive and stationary PEFC technology. Later work (2003-2009) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Cabot Corporation focused on elucidation of key chemical degradation mechanisms, development of accelerated testing methods, and component development. Dr. Wood received his BS in Chemical Engineering from North Carolina State University in 1994, his MS in Chemical Engineering from the University of Kansas in 1998, and his PhD in Electrochemical Engineering from the University of New Mexico in 2007. He was part of two LANL research teams that won the DOE Hydrogen Program R&D Award for outstanding achievement in 2005 and 2009. He studied PEM fuel cells and lithium-ion batteries with fellowships during his MS and PhD programs. He has received over 200 patents and authored 21 refereed journal articles and transactions papers.