This paper evaluates the hot-carrier performance of the n-channel high-voltage (30 V) MOSFET device. This device is widely used in high-voltage linear products. It can withstand 30 V across any two terminals. This large voltage range requires thorough hot-carrier analysis, investigating potential hot-carrier mechanisms not believed to have been previously explored in the literature. It is established that two different hot-carrier generation mechanisms are occurring: one at I SUB(max) and another at I KIRK . These are investigated through combined device parametric, technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulation, and hot-carrier reliability data.Index Terms-Degradation mechanism, device optimization, hot carrier.
I. DEVICE DESCRIPTIONI N THIS PAPER, we consider a 30-V double diffused drain CMOS integrated into an existing 5-V CMOS process. A schematic of this device is shown in Fig. 1. It features V TH = 1.2 V, L = 6.0 µm, and t OX = 800 A. The lightly doped drain overlaps the gate poly by 1 µm, and the heavily doped contact region is spaced 1.1 µm from the poly edge. For compatibility with the 5-V CMOS, the lightly doped drain is quite shallow, i.e., Xj < 1 µm. For analog circuits, high output resistance and, hence, low I SUB are desirable. This requires the graded drain doping to be low. This device differs from those used in previous high-voltage MOS (HV-MOS) and laterally diffused MOS (LDMOS) studies [1]-[8], most particularly in t OX .
II. DEVICE CHARACTERIZATIONParametric analysis produces a substrate current I SUB characteristic at stress V D = 36 V, as shown in Fig. 2. Both ON-state and OFF-state breakdown voltages are > 40 V. The normal I SUB(max) is observed at V G = 8 V and is labeled as "A". An unexpected exponential increase in I SUB is noted in region "B" and is referred to as I KIRK due to its high drain current and low graded drain doping origin [8]- [10].From simulation, shown in Fig. 3, the generated substrate current in region A is the hole current from impact ionization (II) at the drain region under that gate, i.e., a regular MOSFET hot-carrier phenomenon. This II is subsurface and is a distance from the vertical electric field. Fig. 1. Cross section schematic of the 30-V nMOSFET.Fig. 2. Substrate current I SUB characteristic at V D = 36 V.Fig. 3. Region of II by the drain (A) at V D = 30 V and V G = 8 V.of II from the channel region differs from the submicrometer MOSFET situation.The generated substrate current in region B increases with both increasing V D and V G . Simulation shows that this hole current originates from a region of II at the drain contact, as shown in Fig. 4. The transition from graded drain to heavily doped drain causes a large lateral electric field that results in II. This II is a distance from the intrinsic region of the device.1530-4388/$25.00