In southern Africa, brown oculocutaneous albinism (BOCA) is a distinct pigmentation phenotype. In at least two cases, it has occurred in the same families as tyrosinase-positive oculocutaneous albinism (OCA2), suggesting that it may be allelic, despite the fact that this phenotype was attributed to mutations in the TYRP1 gene in an American individual of mixed ancestry. Linkage analysis in five families mapped the BOCA locus to the same region as the OCA2 locus (maximum LOD 3.07; theta=0 using a six-marker haplotype). Mutation analysis of the human homologue of the mouse pink-eyed dilution gene (P), in 10 unrelated individuals with BOCA revealed that 9 had one copy of the 2.7-kb deletion. No other mutations were identified. Additional haplotype studies, based on closely linked markers (telomere to centromere: D15S1048, D15S1019, D15S1533, P-gene 2.7-kb deletion, D15S219, and D15S156) revealed several BOCA-associated P haplotypes. These could be divided into two core haplotypes, suggesting that a limited number of P-gene mutations give rise to this phenotype.