Magnetoconductance of a gated two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the inversion layer on p-type HgCdTe crystal is investigated. At strong magnetic fields, characteristic features such as quantum Hall effect of a 2DEG with single subband occupation are observed. At weak magnetic fields, weak antilocalization effect in ballistic regime is observed. Phase coherence time and zero-field spin-splitting are extracted according to Golub's model. The temperature dependence of dephasing rate is consistent with Nyquist mechanism including both singlet and triplet channel interactions. Whether or not such topological insulator can be realized in the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in the inversion layers of MCT is also an interesting problem.For the investigation of Rashba spin-orbit coupling in MCT, most researchers employed the analysis of subband Landau levels through Shubnikov-de Haas (SdH) Anodic oxidation is used to form an inversion layer on the MCT film and a gate is made upon the inversion layer after deposition of rosin a few hundred m thick as insulation layer [see inset of Fig. 1(b)]. Indium is used to facilitate Ohmic contacts.The magnetoresistance is measured in Van der Pauw configuration and the magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the film. A package of Keithley sourcemeters is used to measure magnetoresistance. All measurements are carried out in an Oxford Instruments 4 He cryogenic system with temperature ranges from 1.3 to 9.0 K. At 1.4K and zero gate-voltage, the carrier concentration is 3.0 10 15 m -2 and the mobility is 2.4 m 2 V -1 s -1 .In Fig. 1 (a) and ( The effective mass of ground electric subband is extracted by analyzing the 5 temperature dependence of the amplitude A(T) (T is temperature) of the SdH oscillations. 22 The effective mass m * we get is 0.0185m 0 (m 0 is the electron's mass in vacuum), this value is close to the effective mass of electrons at lowest subband in MCT inversion layers reported in other literatures.
23Clear weak localization effect with strong spin-orbit interaction has been observed in our sample. In Fig.2, we can see that a negative magnetoconductance is imposed on a positive magnetoconductance background. The positive magnetoconductance background is caused by weak localization effect. The negative magnetoconductance