The longitudinal resistivity ρxx and Hall coefficient RH were measured for MgB2 sintered under high pressure. We found that RH is positive like cuprate high-Tc superconductors, and decreases as temperature increases for 40 K < T < 300 K. The cotangent of Hall angle was found to follow a + bT 2 behavior from Tc to 300 K. At T = 100 K, RH = 4.1 × 10 −11 m 3 /C from which hole carrier density was determined to be 1.5 × 10 23 /cm 3 . This carrier density is 2 -3 orders of magnitude larger than those of Nb3Sn and optimally doped YBa2Cu3Oy superconductors.Recently, MgB 2 was found to be metallic superconductor with transition temperature (T c ) of about 40 K. [1,2], and has provided great scientific interest. Several thermodynamic parameters have been estimated, [3,4] such as a upper critical field H c2 = 13 -18 T, a GinzburgLandau parameter κ ∼ 26, and the critical supercurrent density J c (0) ∼ 10 5 A/cm 2 . In order to probe the nature of gap, tunneling spectroscopy measurements have been reported [5,6], and they observed superconducting energy gap (∆) of 5 -7 meV in the framework of the BCS model. The conventional BCS electron-phonon interaction was proposed as the origin of the superconductivity based on a band calculation. [7] The possible origin of the enhanced T c is suggested to originate from a strong electron-phonon interaction and a enhanced phonon frequency due to the light boron mass in MgB 2 . Most of the charge carrier density at the Fermi level comes from the boron band. Indeed, the boron isotope effect has been reported with an exponent of α B ∼ 0.26. [8] No experimental study on the electronic structure has been reported yet.Another interesting feature concerning the normalstate Hall effect in high-T c cuprates is the universal temperature dependence of the cotangent of the Hall angle (cotθ H ). Anderson [10] and Chien et al. [9] have proposed that the charge transport is governed by two different scattering times with different temperature dependences. In this model, the cotθ H should be proportional to T 2 since the Hall angle is proportional to the inverse of the Hall scattering time τ H (∝ T −2 ), and has been observed for most high-T c superconductors. [11,12] In the mixed-state, the flux-flow Hall effect is also quite interesting. A puzzling sign anomaly has been observed in some conventional superconductors [13,14] as well as in most of high-T c superconductors.[15] Even double [16,17] or triple sign changes [15] have been observed in some high-T c superconductors. Furthermore, a universal scaling behavior between the Hall resistivity and the longitudinal resistivity has attracted much experimental [15][16][17][18] and theoretical interest. [19] However, these Hall effects in the mixed state are not well understood.To understand the superconductivity in MgB 2 , it is essential to know the type of charge carrier and it's density, but these have not been reported yet . Theoretically, Hirsch [20] proposed that the 40 K superconductivity of MgB 2 originates mainly from the hole carriers with bor...