, the macroscopic accumulation of bosonic particles in the energetic ground state below a critical temperature, has been demonstrated in several physical systems [2][3][4][5][6][7][8] . The perhaps best known example of a bosonic gas, blackbody radiation 9 , however exhibits no Bose-Einstein condensation at low temperatures 10 . Instead of collectively occupying the lowest energy mode, the photons disappear in the cavity walls when the temperature is loweredcorresponding to a vanishing chemical potential. Here we report on evidence for a thermalized two-dimensional photon gas with a freely adjustable chemical potential. Our experiment is based on a dye-filled optical microresonator, acting as a 'white wall' box for photons. Thermalization is achieved in a photon-number-conserving way by photon scattering off the dye molecules, and the cavity mirrors provide both an effective photon mass and a confining potential-key prerequisites for the Bose-Einstein condensation of photons. As a striking example of the unusual system properties, we demonstrate a yet unobserved light concentration effect into the centre of the confining potential, an effect with prospects for increasing the efficiency of diffuse solar light collection
11. Following the achievement of atomic Bose-Einstein condensation 2-4 , we have witnessed interest in light sources where a macroscopically populated photon mode is not the consequence of laser-like amplification, but rather results from a thermal equilibrium phase transition. Work in this direction includes the proposal of a superfluid phase transition of photons in a nonlinear cavity [12][13][14] and, albeit in the strong-coupling regime, the demonstration of a quasiequilibrium phase transition of excitonpolariton quasiparticles to 'half matter, half light' condensates 6-8 . In the weak-coupling regime (as in our case), optical cavities have been used to achieve a modified spontaneous emission of atoms and molecules [15][16][17] . The main idea of our experiment is to study thermalization of a photon gas, to a heat bath near room temperature (dye molecules), in a system with reduced spatial dimensionality and an energy spectrum restricted to values far above the thermal energy. The photons are trapped in a curved-mirror optical microcavity, and repeatedly scatter off dye molecules. The longitudinal confinement (along the cavity axis) introduces a large frequency spacing between adjacent longitudinal modes and modifies spontaneous emission coupling such that basically only photons of longitudinal mode number q = 7 (Fig. 1a) are observed to populate the cavity. By this, an effective low frequency cutoff ω cutoff (the eigenfrequency for the corresponding TEM 00 transverse mode) is introduced, withhω cutoff ∼ 2.1 eV, much larger than the thermal energy k B T (∼1/40 eV at room temperature). The two remaining transverse modal degrees of freedom of light thermalize to the (internal rovibrational) temperature of the dye solution, and the photon frequencies will be distributed by an amount ∼k B T/h abov...