“…Even though some materials were quite effective and economically valuable, there were still adverse side effects that able to affect human being directly or indirectly such as causing damage to human body acutely or biomagnification in long term (Fernandez & Gardinali, 2016;Vighi, Matthies, & Solomon, 2016). To overcome these problems, natural resources have been taken at the centre stage as a potently powerful tool related to not only foods (Ahn, Grun, & Mustapha, 2004;Rai, Pandit, Gaikwad, & Kovics, 2016;Sun, Sun, Thavaraj, Yang, & Guo, 2017) but also pharmaceutics (Barbieri et al, 2016;Choi et al, 2017;Leja & Czaczyk, 2016), cosmetics (Limtrakul, Yodkeeree, Thippraphan, Punfa, & Srisomboon, 2016;Pandey, Kumar, Singh, Tripathi, & Bajpai, 2016;Prem, Muangman, Klungsupya, Chantsavang, & Kubera, 2017) and etc.…”