“…Hyphal death during HI shows some features that are similar to apoptosis in mammalian cells, including shrinkage of plasma membrane, membrane-bound vesicle formation, DNA condensation and TUNEL-positive nuclei (Biella et al, 2002;Jacobson et al, 1998;Leslie & Zeller, 1996;Marek et al, 2003). Markers associated with apoptosis have also been reported upon exposure of various filamentous fungi to treatment with H 2 O 2 , acetic acid, farnesol, sphingolipids and amphotericin B (Castro et al, 2008;Chen & Dickman, 2005;Cheng et al, 2003;Leiter et al, 2005;Mousavi & Robson, 2004;Phillips et al, 2003;Semighini et al, 2006).…”