During 2007During -2009 Statoil performed a series of steps to enable integrated operations (IO). This included introduction of standardized work processes, a common operating model for Statoil-operated fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) and an IO guideline based on seven IO success criteria, ref. SPE 128576. During 2010 a mapping of IO capabilities based on Statoil's IO guideline and requirements was performed for 28 Statoil-operated NCS fields for selected work process aspects within drilling, production optimization and operations and maintenance. The purpose was to map the degree of IO compliance in relation to the common operating model and identify improvement opportunities within each of the field units.The mapping was based on a questionnaire of 190 questions and was distributed to 590 persons within the field units. The response to the survey was very satisfactory (79%). To supplement the questionnaire the IO team performed meeting observations and analysis of supplementary data and KPIs for each field. Best practice was identified for most work process aspects and used as a reference for improvements across assets. All the data were treated statistically to limit uncertainties and bias. The mapping project identified IO improvement opportunities within the individual field units, as well as common improvement projects across fields/assets. The paper addresses the challenge of scaling with respect to IO implementation, from selected work processes and individual production installations to broad implementation for Statoil's NCS operations.The IO mapping project documented the value of utilizing the IO guideline and capability model as basis for identifying actionable improvements with respect to integrated operations in a systematic manner for a large number of assets. The paper describes the method, main results and experiences gained from the project.