APPLICANT REACTIONS IN CHINA 2This study examines applicant reactions to ten popular selection methods in China.Using a sample of 294 graduates we found that Chinese applicants' reactions were highly favorable for work sample tests, interviews, and written ability tests, whereas Guanxi (i.e., relying on personal contacts when applying for a job) and graphology were perceived as the least favorable selection methods. Guanxi was also perceived as significantly less fair method compared to all others on all seven procedural dimensions studied. These findings suggest that Guanxi as an informal selection channel might threaten the fairness of personnel selection in China. Implications for the design of selection systems in Chinese companies are discussed, and ramifications for future research into applicant reactions are considered.Keywords: applicant reactions, fairness, personnel selection, Guanxi, China APPLICANT REACTIONS IN CHINA 3
Applicant Reactions to Selection Methods in ChinaChinese personnel selection tends to overly concentrate on Guanxi, a phenomenon which exists specifically in China and which may pose a potential threat to the validity, reliability and fairness of selection methods (Li, 2005;Shen & Edwards, 2004). Guanxi, when applied in a business context, refers to the interpersonal relationships, personal contacts, or nepotism that may bring people certain work benefits, such as a desirable job or a promotion. Although sometimes the benefits of this are only short-term and might be associated with a risk of social costs (Bian, 1997;Fan, 2002a;Fan, 2002b), this phenomenon is of both interest and potential concern. Although Guanxi has received increased attention in the business literature over the last twenty years, it is still a relatively unexplored field that requires further research attention (Chen, Chen, & Huang, 2013).The present study examines applicant reactions to Guanxi as part of personnel selection systems in China, along with reactions to other common selection methods.Although the literature on applicant reactions to selection procedures is vast, the majority of previous research has been conducted in the US and European countries which share a rather similar occidental heritage. To the best of our knowledge, no study to date has explored applicant reactions to selection methods in China, which is an important omission given the rapid economic growth and increasingly more and more important role of China on the global markets. Moreover, findings from the Western countries may not be applicable to countries such as China, which has different cultural values, history, political climate, and personnel practices, including the important role of Guanxi in the workplace (Hou & Cheng, 2007).Therefore, the present study aims to explore how applicants react to these different selection methods. In so doing, we particularly address the role of Guanxi and its potential influence on the fairness of personnel selection systems in China.
Guanxi and the Selecti...