Multi-site optimization of two adapted event-based geomorphologic rainfall-runoff models was presented using Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) method for the South Fork Eel River watershed, California. The first model was developed based on Unequal Cascade of Reservoirs (UECR) and the second model was presented as a modified version of Geomorphological Unit Hydrograph based on Nash's model (GUHN). Two calibration strategies were considered as semi-lumped and semi-distributed for imposing (or unimposing) the geomorphology relations in the models. The results of models were compared with Nash's model. Obtained results using the observed data of two stations in the multi-site optimization framework showed reasonable efficiency values in both the calibration and the verification steps. The outcomes also showed that semi-distributed calibration of the modified GUHN model slightly outperformed other models in both upstream and downstream stations during calibration. Both calibration strategies for the developed UECR model during the verification phase showed slightly better performance in the downstream station, but in the upstream station, the modified GUHN model in the semi-lumped strategy slightly outperformed the other models. The semi-lumped calibration strategy could lead to logical lag time parameters related to the basin geomorphology and may be more suitable for data-based statistical analyses of the rainfall-runoff process.