Let K+(μi)={Qsiμi,si∈(m0μi,m+μi)}, i=1,2, be two CSK families generated by the nondegenerate probability measures μ1 and μ2 with support bounded from above. Define the set of measures L=K+(μ1)•K+(μ2)={Qs1μ1•Qs2μ2,s1∈(m0μ1,m+μ1)ands2∈(m0μ2,m+μ2)}, where Qs1μ1•Qs2μ2 denotes the Fermi convolution of Qs1μ1 and Qs2μ2. We prove that if L is still a CSK family (that is, L=K+(σ) for some nondegenerate probability measure ()σ), then the probability measures σ, μ1 and μ2 are of the free Poisson type and follow the free Poisson law up to affinity. The same result, regarding the free Poisson measure, is obtained if we consider the t-deformed free convolution t replacing the Fermi convolution • in the family of measures L.