Carbon dioxide is a vital gas for life on Earth, a waste product of human activities, and widely used in agriculture and industry. Its accurate sensing is therefore of great interest. Optical sensors exploiting the mid-infrared light absorption of CO 2 provide high selectivity, but their large size and high cost limit their use. Here, we demonstrate CO 2 gas sensing at 4.2 µm wavelength using an integrated silicon waveguide, featuring a sensitivity to CO 2 of 44 % that of freespace sensing. The suspended waveguide is fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator substrate by a single-lithography-step process, and we route it into a mid-infrared photonic circuit for on-chipreferenced gas measurements. Its demonstrated performance and its simple and scalable fabrication make our waveguide ideal for integration in miniaturized CO 2 sensors for distributed environmental monitoring, personal safety, medical, and high-volume consumer applications.Carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) is an atmospheric trace gas and, being the carbon source in the carbon cycle, it is vital to life on Earth. It is also a waste product of human activities and massively used in agriculture and industry. The atmospheric CO 2 concentration is growing at an ever increasing rate and reached 410 ppm in 2018 [1]. Besides affecting Earth's climate [2,3], elevated CO 2 levels increase air pollution mortality [4], and gross leakage of CO 2 puts personnel at risk of asphyxiation [5]. Indoors, high CO 2 levels deteriorate human cognitive function and decisionmaking [6][7][8], with consequences spanning from reduced attention and productivity in classrooms and offices [6,7] to an increased risk for car and airplane accidents [8]. Extensive and accurate sensing of CO 2 is therefore crucial.Optical CO 2 sensors would benefit most applications, due to their high selectivity, fast response, and minimal drift, compared to electrochemical and metal-oxide semiconductor-based sen-arXiv:1907.06967v1 []