“…As a result of our assessment of antibody prevalence, clinical significance of the antibody and antigen frequency, the following 35 alleles were included into the multiplex screening panel: in the MNS blood group system, the genotypes for MNS1 (‘M’), MNS2 (‘N’), MNS3 (‘S’) and MNS4 (‘s’) [19, 20]; in the Lutheran system LU1 (‘Lu a ’), LU2 (‘Lu b ’), LU8 and LU14 [21]; in the Kell system KEL1 (‘K’), KEL2 (‘k’), KEL3 (‘Kp a ’), KEL4 (‘Kp b ’), KEL6 (‘Js a ’), KEL7 (‘Js b ’), KEL11 , KEL17 and KEL21 [22, 23]; in the Duffy system FY1 (‘Fy a ’), FY2 (‘Fy b ’) [24], one FyX allele [25, 26] and a Fy0 allele (−33 promoter silencing polymorphism) [27, 28]; in the Kidd system JK1 (‘Jk a ’) and JK2 (‘Jk b ’) [29]; in the Diego system DI1 (‘Di a ’), DI2 (‘Di b ’), DI3 (‘Wr a ’) and DI4 (‘Wr b ’) [30, 31]; in the YT (‘Cartwright’) system YT1 (‘Yt a ’) and YT2 (‘Yt b ’) [32]; in the Dombrock system DO1 (‘Do a ’) and DO2 (‘Do b ’) [33]; in the Colton system CO1 (‘Co a ’) and CO2 (‘Co b ’) [34] and the IN1 (‘In a ’) and IN2 (‘In b ’) polymorphism of the Indian blood group system [35].…”