The use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers has contributed to a quadrupling of agricultural production. However, >50% of N fertilizers remain unabsorbed by crops and leak into the environment, demanding strategies to improve N use efficiency. To identify the regulatory mechanisms of N assimilation, we performed a genetic screen using a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii strain whose motility depends upon the transcription of nitrate reductase‐encoding NIT1, which is upregulated in response to N starvation. A constantly swimming mutant, nitrogen repletion insensitive 1 (nri1), was isolated and found to express N starvation‐induced genes in N‐replete culture. NRI1, previously reported as NSG17 (nitrogen starvation‐induced gene 17), encodes a basic helix–loop–helix (bHLH) family transcription factor homologous to BES‐interacting myc‐like (BIM) in plants. Transcriptome analysis of N‐replete nri1 culture revealed a concerted upregulation of the genes involved in the uptake and assimilation of external N sources. Many transcription factor‐encoding genes in the bHLH and SBP families were also upregulated in nri1 culture. The DNA‐binding sites of bHLH and SBP proteins were enriched in the promoters of the upregulated genes in nri1, suggesting that NRI1 suppresses transcriptional activators to regulate N starvation‐induced genes. Consistent with the ammonium‐insensitive gene expression pattern, N‐starved nri1 gametes could not dedifferentiate back to vegetative cells when incubated in ammonium‐containing media. Taken together, we conclude that NRI1 represses N starvation‐specific responses when sufficient N is supplied in C. reinhardtii. Further investigation of how cellular N conditions regulate NRI1 activity will unravel the elusive mechanisms by which plant cells sense and respond to N starvation.