Dr. Chen has received research support through Medicines360 and Merck, all managed through the Magee-Womens Research Institute, and served on a Merck & Co. advisory board. Dr. Blithe is an employee of the NIH and is principal investigator of a CRADA between NICHD and HRA Pharma. Dr. Muraguri has no conflicts of interest. Dr. Lance is a Nexplanon trainer for Merck. Dr. Carr receives grant support and consults for AbbVie, receives grant support from Agile Therapeutics and Medicines 360, and serves on the data safety and monitoring board for Repros Therapeutics. Dr. Jensen has received payments for consulting and research support from Bayer Healthcare, Merck, Agile Therapeutics, Abbvie, HRA Pharma, Teva, and the Population Council, consulting only from MicroChips and Evofem, and research support only from Estetra SPRL and Medicines360. These companies and organizations may have a commercial or financial interest in the results of this research and technology. These potential conflicts of interest have been reviewed and managed by OHSU. Dr. Kimble has received research support from Medicines 360, Allergan, Inovio, Antiva, ContraMed, Agile, and Chemo, and is on a speaker's bureau for Merck Pharmaceuticals. Dr. Murthy has received research funding from Mithra. She is a Nexplanon trainer for Merck and a ParaGard trainer for Cooper Surgical.