Purpose. The purpose of the article is to reveal the scientific and methodological foundations for assessing the environmental component of sustainable development of rural areas.
Results. On the example of the Volyn region of Ukraine the system analysis of ecological situation is accomplished in a region, taking into account the level of material well-being and efficiency of the use of natural (land) resources. The level of anthropogenic and technogenic load in rural areas, as well as the state of intensification of environmental protection activities, was determined. The necessity of developing a system of measures for the formation and provision of environmental conditions for the sustainable development of rural areas is proved.
Scientific novelty. Based on the results of the study, it was determined that the main disadvantages of the modern agricultural landscapes of Volyn are: intensive use of degraded, unproductive and radioactively contaminated lands; irrational use of especially valuable productive lands; violation of optimal crop rotations and their saturation with erosion-hazardous crops; inconsistency of land use with their agro-ecological characteristics; violation of the optimal ratio in agrolandscapes of various types of land (natural, semi-natural and anthropogenic); spread and deepening of degradation processes; unsatisfactory state of forest reclamation of agrolandscapes and insignificant development of lands for nature protection purposes. To correct these shortcomings, a new, scientifically based approach to agricultural production using modern innovative technologies is needed.
Practical value. Prospects for the development of agricultural production in the Volyn region require environmental orientation and the development of fundamentally new approaches to the organization and management of quality of the environment in agricultural production. It is necessary to provide scientific, methodological, informational and consulting assistance to the population on farming and land use. The Volyn Polissya zone has a favorable geographical position, favorable natural and climatic conditions, a great historical and cultural heritage, natural recreational and medical resources, the rational and careful use of which will ensure the sustainable development of rural areas.