A one-dimensional driven lattice gas with disorder in the particle hopping probabilities is considered. It has previously been shown that in the version of the model with random sequential updating, a phase transition occurs from a low density inhomogeneous phase to a high density congested phase. Here the steady states for both parallel (fully synchronous) updating and ordered sequential updating are solved exactly and the phase transition shown to persist in both cases. For parallel dynamics and forward ordered sequential dynamics the phase transition occurs at the same density but for backward ordered sequential dynamics it occurs at a higher density. In both cases the critical density is higher than that for random sequential dynamics. In all the models studied the steady state velocity is related to the fugacity of a Bose system suggesting a principle of minimisation of velocity. A generalisation of the dynamics where the hopping probabilities depend on the number of empty sites in front of the particles, is also solved exactly in the case of parallel updating. The models have natural interpretations as simplistic descriptions of traffic flow. The relation to more sophisticated traffic flow models is discussed.Date: 29/4/1997 Submitted to Journal of Physics A.
Key words:asymmetric exclusion process, random rates, steady state, parallel dynamics, phase transition, Bose condensation, traffic flow
IntroductionThe asymmetric simple exclusion process (ASEP) is an archetypal example of a driven diffusive system [1, 2] for which analytical results are possible, particularly in one dimension [3]. The model comprises particles which hop stochastically in a preferred direction with hard core exclusion imposed. The model has a natural interpretation as a simplistic description of traffic flow on a one lane road and indeed forms the basis for more sophisticated traffic flow models [4,5]. In particular one may cite variations of the model proposed originally by Nagel and Schreckenberg [6,7,8,9,10,11]. However, a basic difference between the original ASEP and traffic flow models lies in the updating scheme. In the mathematical literature the ASEP is usually defined in continuous time or, equivalently for the purposes of simulation, by a random sequential updating scheme where for each update a particle is selected at random. In contrast, when simulating traffic flow parallel updating is usually employed for reasons both idealistic-parallel dynamics provides a perhaps more faithful representation of real traffic-and pragmatic-parallel dynamics yields economy of random numbers.For random sequential dynamics a relative wealth of exact results on the ASEP are now available [2,3,13,14,15,16,17,18,19], in particular the steady states of various models have been constructed using a matrix product ansatz [3,14,20,21,22,23,24]. This technique has been extended to a sublattice parallel updating scheme [25,26,27] and, in the case of open boundary conditions, to an ordered sequential scheme [28,29]. However, for fully par...