We have measured the asymmetry parameter (a r ) in the hyperon radiative decay X + -py with a sample of 34754±212 events obtained in a polarized charged hyperon beam experiment at Fermilab. We find ee y --0.720 ±0.086 ±0.045, where the quoted errors are statistical and systematic, respective-"y.PACS numbers: 13.40.Hq, 14.20JnHyperon radiative decays represent a class of baryon decays which require contributions from both the weak and electromagnetic interactions. Hara proved in 1964 [1] that the asymmetries in radiative hyperon decay vanish in the SU(3) limit, assuming only CP invariance and left-handed currents in the weak interaction. Contrary to this prediction, the first measurements of the asymmetry parameter in the decay Z + -* py revealed some evidence for large negative asymmetries (a Y = -1.03 io."42 f2], -0.53 ±0.36 [3]). These were bubble chamber experiments where polarized I + were produced from the lowenergy K~p->I + /r~ reaction. The average Z + polarization was about 40%.The main difficulty in such experiments is separation of the £ + -* py radiative decay from the 400 times more abundant hadronic decay Z + -* pn 0 .Moreover, the asymmetry parameter in the hadronic decay is large and negative (a^c--0.980±0.016 [4]), which raised the concern that the observed asymmetry in the E + -py decay might be, in fact, due to some contamination of the background into the py sample. In addition, the number of py events detected in both experiments was very small (61 [2] and 46 [3], respectively). These observations raised a wide interest among theorists [5]. Various models were investigated. None of these models could describe satisfactorily both the large negative asymmetry and the observed rate of the I + -• py decay. This became possible only recently in the form of a QCD sum-rule model [6]. A new measurement of the S + -* py asymmetry was performed in 1987 at KEK in a counter experiment [7]L + K + . The with I + produced in the reaction n*ppolarization of the 1* was about 87%. From a sample of 190 events the asymmetry parameter was found to be -0.86 ± 0.13(stat) ± 0.04(syst).This experiment (E761) [8] was designed to perform a measurement of the asymmetry parameter in the L + -+ py decay on a high statistical level and with reliable separation from the L + -•/J/T 0 mode. The highenergy hyperon beam at Fermilab provided a large flux («2000/sec) of I + with a polarization of 12%. The direction of the polarization was periodically reversed to allow the separation of the asymmetry from instrumental biases. To identify the I*-* py decay we used chargedparticle spectrometers that provided high-precision measurements of the missing neutral mass. In addition, a special photon spectrometer was constructed to determine the direction and energy of the photons.The experiment was located in the Proton Center beam line at Fermilab. The apparatus (Fig. 1) has four parts: