rational synthesis of nanostructured materials with desired
properties calls for a thorough understanding of the growth mechanism.
Here we report a mechanistic case study of Pd nanostructures synthesized
by reducing a Pd(II) precursor with hydroquinone in the presence of
KBr. As the reaction temperature was decreased from 100 to 20 °C,
sub-10 nm cubes, concave nanocubes, and cube-like aggregates of much
smaller particles were sequentially obtained. Our time-lapse experiments
and a set of controls indicated that primary particles of 1–4
nm in size were formed during the initial stage of the synthesis,
followed by their aggregation into cube-like structures through an
attachment process. In addition to the influence of surface capping,
the reaction temperature played a vital role in determining the exact
shape or morphology of the final products by affecting the reduction
kinetics, fusion of the attached particles, and surface diffusion
of atoms. At 100 °C, corresponding to a quick depletion of the
Pd(II) precursor, the primary particles in each aggregate could easily
fuse together to form nanocubes with flat faces owing to adequate
surface diffusion. At 60 °C, the constituent particles also fused
into cubes and then evolved into concave cubes through atomic deposition
at the corners. At 20 °C, although fusion did not occur due to
the substantially decreased diffusion rate, the primary particles
in each aggregate still grew through atomic deposition for the formation
of larger, cube-like aggregates. Explicating the growth mechanism,
this work offers a mechanistic understanding of the nonclassical growth
mode involved in the formation of various metal nanostructures.