The dt on which the present pper is bsed hve been collected while I ws conducting experiments on Macrosiphum tanaceti, in connection with nother problem. The work ws done t the Bussey Institution during the erlier prt of the summer of 1921. A few of the fcts brought out in the discussion re somewhat fragmentary, nd require more thorough investigation; but, in view of the scarcity of such records of phid behavior in the literature, they hve been introduced here, in the hope that they my help to stimulate further research long these lines.I. Ecdysis. There re no pprecible differences in the behavior of Macrosiphum tanaceti during the four successive molts. No ttempt, therefore, will be mde in the present pper to describe the methods separately for ech ecdysis. Preliminary to the process, the nymph ceases to feed for few minutes, nd in the meantime holds with its clws on the surface of the supporting prt of the plant. The position of the insect during molting hs lwys been found to be such that the hed points toward the ground. The legs re spread fr prt, so that the prothorcic pair is directed nterolterlly with reference to the insect's body; the mesothorcic, ectolterlly; nd the metethoracic, posterolterlly. The hustellum is held close to the sternum. The subcudl portion of the bdomen lmost touches the surface of the plant. The ntennee re directed posteriorly, nd re subprllel to the lterl mrgin, but diverge t n ngle of bout thirty degrees bove the dorsal surface of the body. A longitudinal mesl rupture then ppers t the hed, djoining During the detachment of the old cuticle from the insect's body-wall, there undoubtedly occurs simultaneously an increase in surface area of the hypodermal layer. In fact, the stretching effect resulting from the latter cause, together with the steadily augmenting pressure from the developing internal organs, evidently provides the immediate mechanical means for separating the old chitinous from the hypodermal layer. Under the protective cover of the freshly loosened exoskeleton, the new chitinous layer which has been secreted by the hypodermal cells has a chance to develop a firm, although somewhat delicately soft, consistency before the initial rupture appears in the exuvim. In aphids, the hardening of the newly formed exoskeleton occurs mainly during the lengthy process of casting off the old skin.Summary of Section I. Feeding ceases a few minutes prior to molting. The