Objective. To define whether anti-ribosomal P (anti-P) autoantibodies from patients with neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) impair the function of hippocampal neurons that express the neuronal surface P antigen (NSPA) when accessing the brain via circulating blood.Methods. We used anti-P antibodies from patients with NPSLE and rabbit-generated anti-P and anti-NSPA antibodies. Primary hippocampal neurons from mice were analyzed to determine antibody cell surface binding (double immunofluorescence), intracellular calcium variations (Fura 2 AM), and apoptosis (caspase 3 activation). Hippocampal-dependent spatial flexible memory was assessed in mice subjected to a water maze test 24 hours after an intravenous injection of anti-P or anti-NSPA, using lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to permeate the blood-brain barrier. Presence of antibodies and apoptosis in the hippocampus was studied using immunohistochemistry and TUNEL assays.Results. Hippocampal neurons expressed NSPA on the cell surface, as revealed by anti-P and anti-NSPA staining colocalization, and responded to both anti-P and anti-NSPA by exhibiting increased intracellular calcium levels. Neuronal apoptosis was induced when anti-P was directly injected by stereotaxis into the hippocampus or added to primary cultures. Upon LPS treatment, intravenously injected anti-P impaired memory but did not elicit neuronal apoptosis in the hippocampus, where it was detectable in low amounts. Anti-NSPA antibodies also impaired memory.Conclusion. Anti-P antibodies interact with NSPA on the surface of hippocampal neurons leading to apoptotic death or to functional perturbations, results that are likely dependent on the concentration of these antibodies. Circulating anti-P can access the hippocampus and impair memory without requiring neuronal death when the blood-brain barrier is disrupted. NSPA can mediate antibody-driven diffuse brain dysfunction, and anti-P might contribute to the cognitive impairment that is frequently observed in SLE.Controversy surrounds the clinical and pathogenic role of anti-ribosomal P (anti-P) protein autoantibodies in neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) (1-4). Diffuse brain dysfunctions frequently occur in SLE without overt brain inflammation, and these dysfunctions thus might involve pathogenic autoantibodies, especially against neuronal surface components (5). An early study by Bonfa et al (6) revealed an association between blood circulating anti-P and lupus psychosis. Such an intriguing association has been confirmed by several studies and extended to other NPSLE manifestations but has not yet been extended to include cognitive impairment (1,2,7-10). Anti-P antibodies are also detected in the cerebrospinal fluid of patients with NPSLE, indicating blood-brain barrier permeation (9,11). However, conflicting clinical results and the as-yet little-understood mechanisms of neuropathogenesis mean that the role of anti-P is contentious (1-4).Experimental models and the identification of a neuronal surface target have pr...