A gold nanoparticle, localised plasmon array biosensor using light scattering has been employed in the detection of allergen-specific antibodies in whole blood and sera. The array sensor was functionalized with four different allergens, cat dander (Fel d1), dust mite (Der p1), peanut allergen (Ara h1) and dog dander (Can f1) and immuno-kinetic assay was performed to detect their respective anti-allergen IgG antibodies. Specific positive responses to antibodies at a concentration of 25 nM were observed for Fel d1, Der p1, and Ara h1 allergens, while the Can f1 channel served as a reference control. The sensitivity was further enhanced using a secondary anti-IgG detection antibodies to give a limit of detection of 2 nM. The results indicate the potential for nanoparticle scattering multiplexed arrays to screen unprepared blood samples at point-of-care for assays of complex samples such as the whole blood.