Method to pattern etch masks in two inclined planes for three-dimensional nano-and microfabricationTjerkstra
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Take down policyIf you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. The authors present a method to pattern etch masks for arbitrary nano-and microstructures on different, inclined planes of a sample. Our method allows standard CMOS fabrication techniques to be used in different inclined planes; thus yielding three-dimensional structures with a network topology. The method involves processing of the sample in a first plane, followed by mounting the prepared sample in a specially designed silicon holder wafer such that the second, inclined plane is exposed to continued processing. As a proof of principle we demonstrate the fabrication of a patterned chromium etch mask for three-dimensional photonic crystals in silicon. The etch mask is made on the 90 inclined plane of a silicon sample that already contains high aspect ratio nanopores. The etch mask is carefully aligned with respect to these pores, with a high translational accuracy of <30 nm along the y-axis and a high rotational accuracy of 0.71 around the z-axis of the crystal. Such high alignment precisions are crucial for nanophotonics and for sub-micrometer applications in general. Although we limit ourselves to processing on two planes of a sample, it is in principle possible to repeat the presented method on more planes. The authors foresee potential applications of this technique in, e.g., microfluidics, photonics, and three-dimensional silicon electronics.