“…The "chemical" hypothesis of the integrative activity of the neuron, formulated by P. K. Anokhin from the prospectives of the theory of functional systems [1], has made a substantial contribution to the working out of this problem. According to this hypothesis, a genetically fixed, metabolic process, unfolding in the cytoplasm of the neuron, and specific in relation to specific synaptic structures may be the only possible pathway for the maintenance of the informational significance of excitations reaching the neuron for their subsequent integration.At the present time experimental indications have appeared to the effect that, during the development of learning, synaptic excitations converging on the nerve cell induce P. K. Anokhin Institute of Normal Physiology, Russian Academy of Medical Sdences, Moscow.321 not only change in the bioelectrical properties of the plasma membrane, but a complicated complex of membrane and cytoplasmic biochemical reactions as well [2,3,12,14]. The results obtained have made it possible to ascertain a series of fundamental reg-ularities and mechanisms of the processes of learning; however, as before, the tasks of identifying the "true" neurochemical correlates of learning and memory which are specific precisely for the formation of associative connection, and, consequently, the question of the intracellular mechanisms of the maintenance of the informational significance of excitations reaching the neuron, still remain urgent.…”