NORMAL active bone marrow is a complex structure in which it is difficult to study microscopically the early precursors of granulocytes and erythroid cells. By using a suitable dose of whole-body irradiation the cellularity of the marrow can be considerably decreased and simplified since the more mature cells, which form the majority of the marrow cells, are eventually eliminated. During recovery of the bone marrow from irradiation of this degree the stem-cell population can be easily stuhed in the initial stages of the recovery.Identification of the early stem cells in bone marrow has reccntly assumed considerable significance since bone-marrow transplantation experiments in animals now have important potential applications in the human being. Bone-marrow replacement in man may evcntually be refined by the use of small concentrated injections of early precursor cells isolated by differential centrifugation of suspensions of foetal or adult hacmopoictic tissues. The purpose of this papcr is to indicate the cells whch are most conspicuous in the early stages of the final recovery of haemopoiesis in the bone marrow of young guinea-pigs recovering from a single dose of whole-body gamma irradiation. The findings are based upon quantitative studies of bone-marrow cells at frequent intervals after irradiation until haemopoiesis appeared to be completely restored. The dose of radiation used in the present experiments produced a marked reduction in cell numbers and also a decrease in the varicty of cells present in the marrow. Thus, on the 14th day aftcr irradiation the marrow had a striking appearance since P. F. Harris FIG. I . Section of i,'iiinra-pii,' bonr 11i.irrow showing small r 1~1 1 1 c i cell\ (ly~nphocytcs) with nucleoli. Eosin W, oratii,'c G and toluidiii blur. ( . (60 ) FIC. 2. Trnrisitional cclls and ,mall lytiiphocytcs in siiicar prcp.irationr of guinea-pig bone iii:irro\v I .+ d.iy\ .iftcr wholrbody irradi.ition.'s tetmchromc. (x 1250.) a, b. c, d. c, f, g R01111d cclls of tranritional type. Note a~i i o~~i i t of cytoplasm, the nuclcnr liofand .irc.i ofp.iIlor it1 the Iicif. l'hc r n i d l roiiiid cells in c, c and f a r e small lymphocytcs.