The second virial coefficient Az was determined from light scattering measurements for atactic polystyrene in cyclohexane at 34.5 "C (e) and in toluene at 15.0 OC down to the oligomer region, including the monomer, in order to clarify the effect of chain ends on Az. The observed dependence of AZ on weightaverage molecular weight M, may well be explained by the Yamakawa theory that takes into account both the effects of chain ends and chain stiffness. It is shown that the observed nonvanishing of Az at 8 arises from the former effect. The excess effective binary-cluster integrals 81 and 82 associated with the chain end beads are estimated to be 16 and 260 A3 in cyclohexane and 220 and 270 Aa in toluene, respectively, taking the repeat unit as a single bead. These values are of reasonable order of magnitude compared to those for small molecules. It is then striking to find that the effect of chain ends exists even at relatively large M, ( N 103 in the good solvent toluene. For this system, however, the previous conclusion for the interpenetration function 9 still remains valid, since the contribution AiE) of the effect of chain ends to A2 is not very large in the ordinary range of M,. As the cubed radius expansion factor a,+ (or M,) is decreased, the (true) 9 including no effect of AiE) in toluene first increases gradually, then passes through a maximum and a minimum, and finally increases steeply, deviating significantly upward from the two-parameter theory values but being consistent with the Yamakawa theory. This is due to the effect of chain stiffness. As a,+ (or M,)is further decreased, the contribution of AiE) to Az or to the apparent interpenetration function 9ap as usually defined from the whole Az including AiE) becomes progressively large. It is shown that the rapid increase of 9'ap there with decreasing M, arises mainly from the effect of chain ends but not from that of chain stiffness, in contrast to the prevailing notion.