This paper investigates the relationship between different types of organizational learning mechanisms and creative climate. In the context of an action research study, this paper focuses on insights from a survey that was administered to all the employees of the Product Design and Development unit of the company. The results indicate that the three different types of organizational learning mechanisms considered in the study (cognitive, structural and procedural mechanisms) are associated with creative climate. The results generate new scientific knowledge about the understanding of the role of organizational learning mechanisms and provide specific recommendations for organizations that aim to enhance creative climate.Keywords -organizational learning mechanisms, creativity, creative climate.
IntroductionCreativity is crucial for sustaining competitiveness (e.g. Epstein et al., 2013;Caniëls et al., 2014). The intensity of today's global economy requires an increased pace of creativity carried out in short time-cycles (Cirella and Shani, 2012;Sundgren and Styhre, 2003). To what extent creativity can be conceived as an organizational attribute is still under debate and, in particular, organizational scholars argue that analysing creativity at an individual level does not address either the nature or the complexity of creativity within organizations (Amabile, 1983). Most creative ideas within organizations are the outcome of exchange in a collective space, when interaction triggers ideas through collaboration, dialogue and debate (Catmull, 2008). Under the organizational creativity perspective (Woodman et al., 1993), creativity in organizations relies on a creative climate (Styhre and Sundgren, 2005).Learning and creative climate are crucial for the establishment of mental models of creativity (Lozano, 2014) and creative climate can be enhanced by organizational learning mechanisms (Cirella and Shani, 2012). Moreover, the relationship between organizational learning mechanisms and creative climate seems relevant to innovation, considering that both learning and creative climate in organizations contributed to 58.5% of the explanation of the observed variances in the innovation construct (Ismail, 2005). As such, different types of organizational learning mechanisms (Popper and Lipshitz, 1998) need to be tested to investigate their potential impact on creative climate. Such new insights can also guide managerial actions around the design of organizational learning mechanisms (Mitki et al., 2008) to foster creativity.The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between different types of organizational learning mechanisms and creative climate. Despite the increased attention given to this focus and challenge (e.g. Catmull, 2008), scientific literature has yet to demonstrate the empirical link between organizational learning mechanisms and creative 3 climate. Building on literature relating to organizational learning mechanisms and creative climate, this study analyses the effect of different or...