Despite advances in Big Data Analytics, its utilitarian discourse is yet to move beyond early capture to focus on its post adtoption impacts on firms' financial and non-financial performance, especially in Nigeria's. This study advances BDA beyond organizational readiness for change by empirically and analytically focusing on the reality of 261 Nigerian professionals by drawing on business-to-business marketing, dynamic capabilities, and Technology-Organization-Environment theoretical frameworks to contribute a conceptual model (Figure 1) on factors which really impact on organizations' readiness to adopt BDA.Consequently, our study's findings were used to develop Figure 2, showing the direct and moderating nature of interactions between BDA and TOE variables on BDA adoption. However, whereas hypotheses three and four confirm top management's support and overall organizational readiness, paradoxically, this study's hypotheses five and seven contribute to existing BDA discourse by highlight that environmental, competitive pressure, including regulation do not support the adoption of BDA. Additionally, while external support (H6) was found conduisive for BDA adoption, interestingly, hypotheses eight, nine and 10a were also found supportive of not only financial but also non-financial performance. However, contrary to current theorisation, hypotheses 10b was not supportive of non-financial performance. Our results contribute to BDA's business competitiveness and regulation.