“…[1] By virtue of the unique feature of specific bacterium, some unexpected achievements have been realized in many fields such as chemicals production, [2] microbial fuel cells (MFCs), [3] polymers synthesis, [4] biosensing, [5] and disease treatment. [6] Especially for tumor therapy,u tilizing the tumor targeting ability (including hypoxia tropism, chemotaxis,and immune escape) or innate anticancer ability (including anticancer metabolites and immune activation) of bacteria, many bacteria based tumor therapeutic platforms have been developed. [6a, 7] In fact, most of studies excessively pursued to optimize the reinforce therapeutic effect of bacteria yet ignored the interaction of living bacteria with tumors.T he metabolic dysregulation is typical hallmark of tumors.F or example,a bnormal lactate metabolism, amino metabolism, and fatty acid metabolism usually contribute to the abnormal tumorigenesis,t umor growth and metastasis.…”