DOI: 10.5007/1980-0037.2011v13n4p299
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Biofotogrametria confiabilidade das medidas do protocolo do software para avaliação postural (SAPO). DOI: 10.5007/1980-0037.2011v13n4p299

Abstract: -Photogrammetry is a valuable tool for the diagnosis and measurement of postural changes, but the lack of standardization of anatomical references and angular measures impairs the comparison between studies and compromises the reliability of the results. The objective of this study was to evaluate the inter-and intraexaminer reliability of angular measures proposed by the SAPO posture assessment software (v. 0.68). Twenty--four subjects were photographed in the standing position according to the recommendation… Show more

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Cited by 68 publications
(96 citation statements)
References 15 publications
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“…The flexion-extension angle has not been studied as often as the Q-angle. Previous studies 14,24,25 revealed the mean flexion-extension angle values that classified the knees of the participants as genu recurvatum, as in the present study. The correlations observed between the flexion-extension angle and the stabilometric variables were weak, therefore it is not likely that the knee alignment in the sagittal plane influence body sway.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 69%
“…The flexion-extension angle has not been studied as often as the Q-angle. Previous studies 14,24,25 revealed the mean flexion-extension angle values that classified the knees of the participants as genu recurvatum, as in the present study. The correlations observed between the flexion-extension angle and the stabilometric variables were weak, therefore it is not likely that the knee alignment in the sagittal plane influence body sway.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 69%
“…To allow a subsequent software calibration, styrofoam balls were fixed to the plumb line, at a distance of 100 cm between them. The data were recorded by means of Photogrammetry and analyzed in the Postural Evaluation Software -SAPO The marking of anatomical points and the photographic record were carried out by two previously trained evaluators, and the angles analyzed 11 are presented in Chart 1. Analysis and interpretation of results were carried out by the same researcher, previously trained.…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Indivíduos com cegueira adotam postura compensatória, por exemplo: aumento da cifose torácica, cabeça anteriorizada, protrusão de cintura escapular e anteversão pélvica para alinhar ou ajustar o centro de gravidade. A informação visual é muito importante para o controle do equilíbrio e precisão da velocidade do movimento dos objetos e dos segmentos do corpo, também para o tempo e a exatidão da reação motora, e sua diminuição poderia levar a desajustes e/ou desarmonias posturais (17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24) . Indivíduos com deficiência visual promovem adaptações posturais no posicionamento da cabeça, aumento da cifose dorsal, exacerbação da lordose lombar, rotação e inclinação da cabeça para um dos lados, ptose abdominal e alteração na consciência corporal (25) .…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
“…Sendo assim, considera-se sem incapacidade quando o valor estiver abaixo de 10% (menos de 5 pontos); com incapacidade mínima de 10 -28%; com incapacidade moderada de 30 -48%; incapacidade severa de 50 -68%; e, acima de 72%, incapacidade completa (22) . Para análise da postura estática, realizaram-se registros fotográficos dos participantes com parâmetros da avaliação biofotogramétrica (16,23) , uma ferramenta de análise cinética eficaz que consiste em um processo de registro de imagem obtido através de posturas corporais, que posteriormente foram interpretadas através de referências ósseas e articulares nos planos anterior, posterior, lateral direito e lateral esquerdo, com seus respectivos eixos, possibilitando o cálculo de ângulo e segmentos corporais relativos à pesquisa, com tarefas distintas e com diversos cuidados e controles tomados. Essa avaliação ocorreu com o participante do sexo masculino de bermuda e bermuda e top no caso do sexo feminino.…”
Section: Sexounclassified
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