In passive dynamic walking proposed by McGeer, mechanical energy lost by heel strike is restored by transporting potential energy to kinetic energy as walking down a slope. When energy input is larger as a slope is steeper, the bifurcation of a walking cycle occurs. In the parametric excitation walking, which is to realize passive dynamic-like walking on the level ground, the bifurcation of a walking cycle has also been observed when walking speed is This paper is the completed and extended version of the conference proceeding of IROS 2009 [1].fast. Recently, Asano et al. have shown that bifurcation exerts an adverse influence upon walking performance by using a rimless wheel model. In this paper, we apply the delayed feedback control (DFC), originally used in chaos control, to parametric excitation walking to suppress bifurcation. We show in numerical simulation that the proposed method makes periodtwo walking to period-one walking, and improves energy efficiency. In addition, the proposed method can generate a sustainable gait in the region where a biped robot cannot walk without DFC. The analyses using a Poincaré map reveal that period-one walking with DFC corresponds to an unstable periodic orbit and reveal that a robot model in this paper satisfies the sufficient condition of applicability of DFC.