“…In order to create germane items for a homophily scale, Rogers and Bhowmik (1971, p. 531) advocate considering the "relevant variables" which in turn depend on the parties involved on both sides of the dyad (in our case business firms) and the situation (in our case an innovation context). Since innovative activities within a supplier-customer relationship involve significant risks and resources on both sides (e.g., Goffin, Lemke, and Szwejczewski, 2006;Koufteros, Cheng, and Lai, 2007) and require goal and task alignment, in addition to coordination on the organizational and project levels (e.g., Gerwin and Barrowman, 2002;Wagner and Hoegl, 2006), we created a five-item formative scale to measure suppliercustomer homophily. The supplier respondents rated their similarity (Palmatier, Dant, Grewal, and Evans, 2006) with the customer firm along five dimensions: strategic orientation, innovativeness, risk taking, and interfirm partnering.…”