Rheological evidence of composition fluctuations in disordered diblock copolymers near the order−disorder transition (ODT) has been documented in the literature over the past three decades, characterized by a failure of time−temperature superposition (tTS) to reduce linear dynamic mechanical spectroscopy (DMS) data in the terminal viscoelastic regime to a temperature-independent form. However, for some materials, most notably poly(styrene-b-isoprene) (PS−PI), no signature of these rheological features has been found. We present small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) results on symmetric poly(cyclohexylethylene-b-ethylene) (PCHE−PE) diblock copolymers that confirm the presence of fluctuations in the disordered state and DMS measurements that also show no sign of the features ascribed to composition fluctuations. Assessment of DMS results published on five different diblock copolymer systems leads us to conclude that the effects of composition fluctuations can be masked by highly asymmetric block dynamics, thereby resolving a long-standing disagreement in the literature and reinforcing the importance of mechanical contrast in understanding the dynamics of ordered and disordered block polymers. M aterials with nanoscale features are being incorporated into emerging technologies with applications in energy, 1 electronics, 2 and medicine. 3 Block polymers are a class of materials for which synthetic methods offer precise control over chemical architecture, morphology, dynamics, and morphological length scale. 4 As a consequence, they are an active area of research with potential uses in a diverse array of products, including batteries, 5 lithographic materials, 6 and drug delivery. 7 A fundamental understanding of block polymer phase transitions, nanoscale morphologies, and processing is an essential prerequisite to integration into future commercial products. 8,9 It is well established that volumetrically symmetric AB diblock copolymers ( f = 1/2) of finite molecular weight undergo an order−disorder phase transition (ODT) characteristic of the Brazovskii class, for which the change from an ordered lamellar phase (LAM) to an isotropic disordered phase (DIS) is weakly first-order. 10−13 Thermally driven fluctuations in local composition profoundly influence block copolymer phase behavior near this fluctuation-induced phase transition, destroying the second-order ODT anticipated by mean-field theory (i.e., infinite molecular weight limit). 10,14 Here, we present dynamic mechanical spectroscopy (DMS) results that help elucidate how differences in the individual A-and B-block relaxation times of an AB diblock copolymer are manifested in linear oscillatory viscoelastic measurements.A host of experimental techniques, including small-angle Xray scattering (SAXS), 15−18 small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), 11,12,19 differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), 13 transmission electron microscopy (TEM), 20−22 rheology, 23−25 and others, 26−32 have confirmed the presence of composition fluctuations in the disordered phase of block po...