These guidelines are a result of several meetings from the Brazilian Stroke Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Doenças Cerebrovasculares -SBDCV, website, which represents the Scientific Department in cerebrovascular diseases of the Brazilian Academy of Neurology, responsible for technical opinions and educational projects related to cerebrovascular diseases. Members from SBDCV participated in web-based discussion forum with pre-defined themes, followed by a formal onsite meeting in which controversies and final position statements were discussed. Finally, a writing group was created to revise and translate the final document, which was approved by all members of the SBDCV. The final text aims to guide specialists and non-specialists in stroke care in managing patients with acute ischemic stroke. The hemorrhagic stroke guideline has been previously published by the same group 1 . In the final recommendations, Oxford classification for evidence level and recommendation grade was used:
EVIDENCE LEVELS1. Randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT) or systematic review (SR) of RCT with clinical endpoints. 2. RCT or SR of lower quality: with substitute, validated endpoints; with subgroup analysis or with a posteriori hypotheses; with clinical endpoints, but with methodological flaws.3. RCT with substitute, non-validated endpoints case-control studies. 4. Study with clinical endpoint, but with a higher potential bias (as in experiment without comparison group and other observational studies). 5. Representative forum or expert opinion without abovementioned evidence.
RECOMMENDATION GRADESA Systematic review (homogeneous) of RCT; or single RCT with narrow confidence interval; or therapeutic results of "all or nothing" type. B Systematic review (homogeneous) of cohort studies; or cohort study and RCT of lower quality; or outcomes research or ecological study; or systematic review (homogeneous) of case-control studies; or case-control study. C Case reports (including cohort or case-control study of lower quality). D Expert opinion without critical evaluation, based on physiological or animal studies.In this first part of the guidelines, specific topics included were: epidemiology, stroke as a medical emergency, education, pre-hospital management, emergency management, neuroimaging and laboratory evaluation. A translated version of these guidelines in Portuguese is available in the Society's webpage (