pyroxene differs from that of the NaGa(fl)Si206 pyroxene.The O1--Si--O2 angle is the largest O---Si---O angle in the NaM3+Si206 pyroxenes. This may be due in part to the greater repulsion between the more negatively charged non-bridging O atoms. As shown in Fig. 2, the O1--Si---O2 angles correlate with the differences dbr-nbr in such a way that they follow three different trends: the Sc-Ti-V-Cr series, the MnFe-Ga(a) series and the A1-Ga(/3)-In series, where dbr-nbr = (Si--Obr) --(Si---Onbr) (br = bridging, nbr = non-bridging), (Si--Obr) = 1/2(Si--O3A1 + Si--O3A2) Acta Cryst. (1995
AbstractThe structure of the title compound, gallium sodium silicate, is similar to that of jadeite (NaA1Si206).Comparison of the new crystal-structure refinement for NaGaSi206 with published refinements for eleven NaM3+Si206 pyroxenes suggests that there are two different electronic states, Ga(a) and Ga(/3), for the octahedral Ga 3+ ion. Ga(o0 occurs in the Mn-Fe-Ga(c0 series and Ga(fl) in the A1-Ga(/3)-In series.
CommentThe structure of the title compound is isostructural with NaA1Si206, NaCrSi206 and NaFeSi206 (Clark, Appleman & Papike, 1969), NaScSi206 (Hawthorne & Grundy, 1973), NaInSi206 (Hawthorne & Grundy, 1974, NaTiSi206 (Ohashi, Fujita & Osawa, 1982), NaGa(a)Si206 (Ohashi, Fujita & Osawa, 1983) NaMnSi206 (Ohashi, Osawa & Tsukimura, 1987) and NaVSi206 (Ohashi, Osawa & Sato, 1994).The cell parameters of the NaGa(a)Si206 pyroxene are: a = 9.557 (5), b = 8.679(4), c = 5.260(1)~, fl = 107.68 (2) ° and V = 415.7 (3)~3 (Ohashi et al., 1983). The calculated density (Dx) is 3.91 Mgm -3 and is higher than that (Dx = 3.89Mgm -3) of the NaGa(/3)Si206 pyroxene studied here. The atomic z coordinate for O1 [z = 0.1312 (7)