The referenced publication included a methodological error that affects a portion of the reported results for registered Democrats by about 1 percentage point on average.The original publication provides estimates of the distribution of public opinion among Republicans and Democrats. The estimates were constructed by combining survey data with US voter file data, census American Community Survey (ACS) data, and other data in a multilevel regression model. The voter file data are cross-tabulated counts of containing the number of American adults in different partisan and demographic subgroups and for each unique geographic area (i.e., states and congressional districts).Estimates for registered Democrats were in error because we mislabeled a subset of Democratic district-level voter file crosstabs at an early stage in the data preparation process. As a result, the subpopulation numbers for the Democratic opinion estimates were based on the number of Republicans in each demographic-geographic subtype Climatic Change (2018) 147:355-358 https://doi