“…Interestingly, specific chromatin modifiers are important for regeneration in several organisms, suggesting that chromatin modification regulates the expression of at least some regeneration genes. For example, pharmacological inhibition of histone deacetylases blocks Xenopus tail regeneration (Tseng et al, 2011), the H3K27me3 demethylase Kdm6b.1 is required for zebrafish fin regeneration (Stewart et al, 2009), the PRC1 component Bmi1 is required for a regenerative response to pancreatitis in mice (Fukuda et al, 2012), several members of the Set1/MLL family of histone methyltransferases are required for the stem cell-based regeneration that occurs in planaria (Hubert et al, 2014), the SWI/SNF component Brg1 (Smarca4 -Mouse Genome Informatics) is essential for mouse epidermal wound repair and hair regeneration (Xiong et al, 2013) and its Drosophila homolog, Brahma, is important for midgut regeneration (Jin et al, 2013). In most of these cases, however, the extent to which tissue damage induces chromatin modification and the genes regulated by these chromatin modifiers during regeneration remain unknown.…”