Creating a word list for the beverage services is one method to assist learners in this field to expand their English language vocabulary. The purpose of the current study was to create the Beverage Service Word List (BSWL). Data were collected from—a website that contains abundant beverage information from all over the world. The Beverage Service Corpus (BSC) was compiled from 1,729 beverage menus with a size of 471,233 tokens. The criteria used in the current study were frequency, range, lexical profiling, and expert consultation. The words included in the BSWL were those which occurred at least 13 times in 30 per cent of menus, were outside the reference word lists (the General Service List, the Academic Word List, the Function Word List, the abbreviation list, and the Proper Name List), and were scaled as 3 or 4 by two or more experts. As a result, the BSWL comprised 288 words with 7.92 per cent coverage of the BSC.