1. The effect on sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) function of exposure to high intracellular [Ca¥] was studied in mechanically skinned fibres from the extensor digitorum longus muscle of the rat, using caffeine to assay the SR Ca¥ content. 2. A 15 s exposure to 50 ìÒ Ca¥ irreversibly reduced the ability of the SR to loadÏretain Ca¥ and completely abolished depolarization-induced Ca¥ release, whereas a 90 s exposure to 10 ìÒ Ca¥ had no detectable effect on either function. The reduction in net SR Ca¥ uptake: (a) was near-maximal with treatment at 50 ìÒ Ca¥, (b) was unrelated to voltage-sensor function, and (c) persisted unchanged for > 20 min. The reduction was primarily due to a threefold increase in leakage of Ca¥ out of the SR. This increased leakage was not substantially blocked by the presence of 10 mÒ Mg¥ or 2 ìÒ Ruthenium Red. 3. The adverse effect on SR function of exposure to high [Ca¥] could also be observed by the reduction in the ability of the SR to maintain a low [Ca¥] within the skinned fibre in the face of elevated [Ca¥]
Isolation of skinned fibresLong-Evans hooded rats (Rattus norvegicus) aged 14 to 20 weeks were anaesthetized by halothane (2 % vÏv) and killed by asphyxiation in accordance with guidelines of the La Trobe University Animal Ethics Committee. As described previously (Lamb & Stephenson, 1994), both extensor digitorum longus muscles were then removed and placed in paraffin oil and kept cool on ice. Single muscle fibres were dissected free at one end from the muscle and mechanically skinned. The skinned fibre segment was mounted onto a force transducer (AME875, SensoNor, Horten, Norway), and stretched to 120% of its resting length. The fibre was then placed into a 2 ml Perspex bath containing a potassium or sodium 1,6-diaminohexane-N,N,N' ,N'-tetraacetic acid (HDTA) solution to equilibrate before being stimulated by rapid substitution of an appropriate solution. All experiments were performed at room temperature (23 ± 2°C).
SolutionsAll chemicals were obtained from Sigma unless stated otherwise. The make-up of the solutions used in the different parts of the experiments is set out below. All solutions had a pH of 7·10 ± 0·01 and an osmolality of 295 ± 5 mosmol kg¢, and unless stated otherwise had 1 mÒ free Mg¥ and 8 mÒ total ATP. Free [Ca¥] at ü 0·1 ìÒ was verified with a Ca¥-sensitive electrode (Orion, Cambridge, MA, USA) . Leak solution. K-HDTA solution with 2 mÒ total EGTA (pCa > 8), but otherwise similar to pre-equilibration solution. Used to allow Ca¥ leakage from the SR in the absence of Ca¥ uptake. Additional matching solutions were also made with 10 mÒ free Mg¥ (22·7 mÒ total magnesium) or with all K¤ replaced with Na¤ (for chronic T-system depolarization).Contractile apparatus experiments Relaxing solution. Potassium solution with 50 mÒ EGTA (pCa > 9), which is similar to the polarizing solution with all HDTA replaced with EGTA (see Stephenson & Williams, 1981).Maximum-activation solution. Same as Relaxing solution but with 50 mÒ CaEGTA (pCa 4·5). Referred to as 'M...