We investigate directed motion in nonadiabatically rocked ratchet systems sustaining few bands below the barrier. Upon restricting the dynamics to the lowest M bands, the total system-plus-bath Hamiltonian is mapped onto a discrete tight-binding model containing all the information both on the intrawell and interwell tunneling motion. A closed form for the current in the incoherent tunneling regime is obtained. In effective single-band ratchets, no current rectification occurs. We apply our theory to describe rectification effects in vortex quantum ratchets devices. Current reversals upon variation of the ac-field amplitude or frequency are predicted. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.89.146801 PACS numbers: 73.23.-b, 05.30.-d, 05.40.-a, 85.25.-j A ratchet, i.e., a periodic structure with broken spatial symmetry, yields the possibility to obtain a directed current in the presence of noise and unbiased nonequilibrium forces [1]. As such, ratchets belong to the class of so-termed Brownian motors [2], being devices operating far from equilibrium, and which combine noise and asymmetry to generate a particle's transport. A huge amount of experimental and theoretical work exists on ratchets ruled by classical thermal fluctuations [1,2], also due to their possible application in biological systems [3,4]. In contrast, little is known about the ratchet effect in the quantum realm. This is partly due to the challenge in the experimental realization of suitable ratchet potentials. Only recently has rectification of quantum fluctuations in triangularly shaped semiconductor heterostructures [5] and in quasi-one-dimensional Josephson junction arrays [6] been observed. Theoretically, this originates from the complexity in the investigation of the quantum ratchet dynamics. By now, the quantum ratchet effect has been tackled only for adiabatically rocked ratchets in a mostly numerical work [7], for peculiar single-band models [8], in the presence of an external force of on-off type [9], and for a weakly corrugated potential [10]. Typical quantum features, as, e.g., a current inversion upon temperature decrease, were predicted [7] and demonstrated [5]. So far, the band structure of the potential was not considered.In this Letter for the first time a microscopic theory for the interplay among tunneling, vibrational relaxation, and nonadiabatic driving in ratchet potentials sustaining few bands below the barrier (cf. Fig. 1) is presented. For these potentials the semiclassical requirement [7] of having many bands below the barrier is not met. Our treatment, mostly analytical, is based on the real-time pathintegral formalism for open quantum systems [11]. Noticeably, in the temperature and driving regime in which the dynamics is effectively restricted to the lowest band of the periodic potential, no current rectification occurs. In fact, a reduction to the lowest band of the ratchet potential retains only information about the periodicity of the original Hamiltonian, but not about its reflection properties. To take into account the vibra...