“…CblNO 2 (λ max = 354, 413 and 532 nm) [11,12] is converted to CblNO (λ max = 316, 344 and 475 nm) [7] with isosbestic points at 335, 373 and 490 nm. [10] A plot of absorbance at 532 nm versus time is shown in Figure 1b; the data fitted well to a first-order rate equation with an observed rate constant of k obs = (5.8 � 0.1) × 10 À 4 s À 1 at 25.0°C, following an initial zero-order rate process as observed before. [10,11] In order to investigate the role of inorganic compounds present in PM on the reaction described above, selected nanoparticles of redox-active metal oxides (Fe 2 O 3 , Fe 3 O 4 with and without stabilizer, CuO and Mn 3 O 4 ) and non-redox-active metal oxides (SiO 2 and Al 2 O 3 ) were added to the reaction mixture, shortly before the initiation of the reaction between CblNO 2 and Asc (see Experimental Section).…”