sooner. We now advocate that a recently head-injured patient should have a CT scan if he has either altered consciousness or other neurological signs or symptoms that do not improve after initial assessment and resuscitation. When there is a skull fracture the indications for scanning are increased; even by itself a fracture probably provides an adequate reason. Converting-enzyme inhibitor enalapril (MK421) in treatment of hypertension with renal artery stenosis
ReferencesEnalapril maleate (MK421), a new inhibitor ofangiotensin converting enzyme, in single daily doses of 125-40 mg was assessed in five patients with hypertension and renal artery stenosis. Only small falls in plasma angiotensin II concentrations were seen at doses less than 10 mg; even with 10 and 20 mg, angiotensin II concentrations had risen again 24 hours from the last dose. During long-term treatment with 10-40 mg daily all patients achieved good blood-pressure control. No significant changes of body sodium or potassium values were seen. The drug was well tolerated with no serious side effects. These findings are evidence of the efficacy and acceptability of enalapril in the medical management of hypertension with renal artery stenosis.