Therefore, metallic nanostructures can substantially trap incident light and then generate hot carriers as well as build electromagnetic fi elds to assist the separation of hot carriers. [9][10][11] Over the past decade, LSPR-based photocatalysis has been studied using both theoretical and experimental approaches. In terms of theoretical approach, the fi nite-difference time domain simulation has been performed to understand the spatial distribution of electric fi eld around metal nanoparticles, which allows to predict possible mechanism of catalytic enhancement in LSPRbased photocatalysis. [ 11,12 ] Experimentally, Li et al. systematically incorporated a hematite nanorod array into a plasmonic gold nanohole pattern, which showed significant improvement in photoelectrochemical (PEC) performance. [ 13 ] This plasmonic metal nanostructure was benefi cial for launching a guided wave mode inside the nanorods to enhance the light absorption and providing a local plasmon-induced fi eld to suppress the recombination of photogenerated electron-hole pairs. Under light illumination, hot electron-hole pairs were simultaneously generated in plasmonic nanostructures through electromagnetic damping of surface plasmon resonance. Accordingly, plasmonic energy conversion could be a promising candidate of alternative solar-energy conversion pathway once an effectively separating and effi ciently collecting strategy of the plasmon-excited electron-hole pairs could be successfully achieved. However, unlike the conventional excitation mechanism of semiconductors, in which the electrons at the valence band of the semiconductor absorb incident irradiation and are subsequently excited into its conduction band (CB), there exists a totally different behavior for plasmon-induced hot carriers, where the plasmonic metallic nanostructures capture an irradiation with characteristic wavelengths of LSPR to generate highly energetic electron-hole pairs upon the surface of nanostructures. As a result, a new strategy has to be developed to achieve effi cient photocatalysis in plasmonic solar-energy conversion.From the viewpoint of photochemical reactions, it is essential to consider the lifetime of photoinduced charge-carriers. Nevertheless, the lifetime of plasmonic hot carriers is signifi cantly shorter than the requirement for the occurrence of chemical reactions, Plasmonic nanostructures are capable of driving photocatalysis through absorbing photons in the visible region of the solar spectrum. Unfortunately, the short lifetime of plasmon-induced hot carriers and sluggish surface chemical reactions signifi cantly limit their photocatalytic effi ciencies. Moreover, the thermodynamically favored excitation mechanism of plasmonic photocatalytic reactions is unclear. The mechanism of how the plasmonic catalyst could enhance the performance of chemical reaction and the limitation of localized surface plasmon resonance devices is proposed. In addition, a design is demonstrated through co-catalyst decorated plasmonic nanoparticles Au/IrO X upon a semi...