“…Some parameters may adjust to the new model configuration and physics rather quickly (e.g., 2D currents, waves); some others may take relatively longer time to reflect the effects of the new spatial (horizontal and vertical) resolution, new definition of lateral forcings (such as the river inclusion) etc., possibly originating confined portions with extreme temperatures and salinity values. In any case, even when these problems may be mitigated by the use of a single modeling suite (e.g., Benetazzo et al, 2013) we need to recall that there is still a high and intrinsic uncertainty related to the seasonal variations, e.g., of the river discharges in the context of climate change and future scenarios (see Coppola et al, 2014), especially when related to extreme events that, once included in the modeling framework, may lead to exceptional values (e.g., salinity minima, nutrient maxima, and consequently oxygen hypoxic and anoxic) due to a severe increase of river runoff during very limited periods. Notwithstanding all these aspects, that should however be recalled, we believe it is worth to retain the parameters shown in Fig.…”