following correction should be noted. Due to an editorial change at PNAS, the meaning of the last sentence on page 14046 was altered. The sentence originally read as follows: On the other hand, this structure does not reproduce the pharmacological properties of either P or Q channel exactly, as the ID 50 to sFTX and -Aga IVA for P-type channels is lower than for the ␣1A, ␣2␦, Ib channels in HEK cells.Neurobiology. In the article "The synthesis of ATP by glycolytic enzymes in the postsynaptic density and the effect of endogenously generated nitric oxide" Kuo Wu, Chiye Aoki, Alice Elste, Adrienne A. Rogalski-Wilk, and Philip Siekevitz, which appeared in number 24, November 25, 1997, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (94,(13273)(13274)(13275)(13276)(13277)(13278), the quality of the reproduction of Fig. 2A was poor. The figure and its legend are shown below:Biochemistry. In the article "KSR stimulates Raf-1 activity in a kinase-independent manner" by Neil R. Michaud, Marc Therrien, Angela Cacace, Lisa C. Edsall, Sarah Spiegel, Gerald M. Rubin, and Deborah K. Morrison, which appeared in number 24, November 25, 1997, of Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (94,(12792)(12793)(12794)(12795)(12796), the following correction should be noted.Due to a printer's error, background was incorrectly added to (50 g) and 100 g each of the other fractions, in 100 l final volume, including whole homogenate (H), synaptosomes (Syn), synaptic plasma membranes (SPM), and crude synaptic vesicles (CSV), were incubated at 37°C for 15 min. NAD incorporation was performed in the absence (Ϫ) or presence (ϩ) of SNP as exogenous source of NO. The mixtures were subjected to SDS͞PAGE and then autoradiography. (B) Western blot analysis of the G3PD in the subcellular fractions. To confirm that the radioactive protein in the subcellular fractions was indeed G3PD, Western blot analysis was performed by using specific anti-G3PD antibodies as described.