“…However, the great majority of bacteria present in the samples had not been described in this environment, but associated with the fermentation of other fermented alcoholic beverages and foods, such as L. acetotolerans, identified in silages (Cai et al, 1999), cheese (Baruzzi et al, 2000) and in pulque, a Mexican alcoholic beverage (Escalante et al, 2004); L. hilgardii, in pulque (Escalante et al, 2004), cheese (Baruzzi et al, 2000), and wine (Rodas et al, 2005); Leuconostoc citreum, identified in kimchi, a food prepared from fermented cabbage (Choi et al, 2003), shochu, a Japanese distilled beverage (Endo & Okada, 2005) and in fermented milks in South Africa (Beukes et al, 2001); and Weissella cibaria, isolated from sugarcane and fermented foods typical of Malaysia (Bjorkroth et al, 2002). The bacterial communities present in these fermentative processes are very similar, regardless of the raw material used, and are characterized by the presence of lactic acid species, especially in the genera Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Weissella and Lactococcus.…”