“…The analysis of the HM metabolome has been approached employing a variety of extraction and analytical techniques to respond to a spectrum of clinically relevant questions. Several studies have compared HM metabolome with formula milk [13,[16][17][18][19][20] or with milk from other mammalian species including monkey [21], donkey [17], and cow [18], whereas others have made efforts in defining the metabolome of preterm milk [13,16,[22][23][24][25][26] and the evaluation of the HM metabolome during the course of lactation [15,23,[27][28][29][30]. Furthermore, the influence of maternal diet [14,15,31], phenotype [14,32], obesity [30], or atopy status [33], as well as geographical location [33,34], time of the day [29,35], chemotherapy [36], or preeclampsia during pregnancy [31] on the HM metabolome have been reported.…”